
Thanks for visiting “Soils Matter, Get the Scoop!”, published by the Soil Science Society of America (SSSA).

SSSA is the premier organization devoted to soil science. Our goal for “Soils Matter, Get the Scoop!” is to help preserve soil – a  valuable natural resource – by educating the public about sustainable practices.

Soils play a role in every part of our lives: the food we eat, the water we drink, the clothes we wear…even the beds we sleep in! Without soil we could not grow forests or food, or build houses. Soils even help clean the air we breathe.

Whether you are interested in soil science in general or have a specific question about your home garden, our blog will have something to interest you. Send us your questions, either by posting to the blog or emailing us at soils-matter@soils.org.

SSSA has more soils-related information for the general public on our main website, http://www.soils.org under the About Soils tab (https://www.soils.org/about-soils). Here, we have topics like Soil Basics, Soils in the City, Food, Climate, etc. We encourage you to explore all you can about soils – because Soils Sustain Life!

16 thoughts on “About

  1. I’m from Indonesia. Recently my house and all the neighborhood poured by volcanic ash from Mt. Kelud. Then I have a curiosity about the effect of those volcanic ash [new, un-weathered material] to the soil. For some soils that already have developed [e.g. Alfisols], how much does the volcanic ash effect/ altered its physical/ chemical/ biology properties?

    thank you very much

    1. Thank you very much for your question! I will find someone to answer it and get back to you as soon as I can.

    2. I had the honor of visiting Indonesia last year and was saddened to read about the volcanic eruptions in both Java and Sumatra. Here in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, Mt. St. Helens erupted several decades ago and covered large areas with ash. The ash is slowly re-vegetating naturally. However, the surface depositions were primarily silt particles and were highly erosive. As you would expect, they also contained virtually no nitrogen, so many of the sites covered by ash have been colonized by aggressive, N-fixing invasive species. High P-fixing capacity is another characteristic of the ash here. For an alfisol, the silt particles may change your texture class, but physical characteristics of the soils as well as the fertility of the soils will require high inputs of organic matter to maintain productivity.

      –Sally Brown, University of Washington

  2. thank you for your reply. I really appreciate, because I was very curious with those event [volcanic ash from the eruption]

    I was quite interested with those phenomenon because not long after the ash covered my house and garden, I saw earthworm crawling outside the soil. so I think that those volcanic ash was harmful for the soil in general. the idea then develop further because of its physical characteristic [that I believed rich of sand and fine sand], how much would these characteristic affecting the soil. I think I would shared your answer with my friend in Indonesia.
    “Terima Kasih”

  3. We are beginning sustainable/organic farmers, and I’m looking forward to following your blog. Thanks for making time to do this!

  4. I have had problems with the foundation, I have bought soil types recommenfed and nothin works. The foundation company I paid went out of business and the warranty company;is only interested in selling and the do not warranty anything. I was told to find SELECT FILL SOIL and I do not know want to do. I will probably loose my home and I want to be able to stay in my home now that I am a retiref senior.If you can let me know where to buy the correct soil it would really help me, considering it is afforfabe

    1. Hi Tommie, it’s a complicated answer, I’m sure, and we’re very sorry you are having difficulty. The best way we can help you is to direct you to http://www.soils4teachers.org/ask. There you can submit this question, or find a certified soil scientist to help you with this.

  5. Hello!
    I hope you can offer some information to my inquiry. We are looking for funding to have natural mineral “dirt” researched for nutrition/health in livestock. We met with a Tier 1 Research University this last week about researching it and of course we need to come up with money to contribute to this research.
    This natural mineral is located in America and has been “tested” on cows, pigs, and sheep but without research we don’t feel comfortable marketing it to the public.
    Can you offer any ideas where we can acquire funding?

  6. Your posts are really interesting and I like to re-post them to the community of people who take my sustainable landscaping classes. But: I think you should make the font size much larger! It really keeps me from wanting to read thru the whole post.

    Kudos on a great job in every way except for font size!

    1. Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately, font size will be a function of the screen you are viewing on, and we can’t control that. SF

  7. Hello, do you guys offer guest blogging? I am a soil and environment student and want to write some blogs to be published.

    1. All our bloggers are members of Soil Science Society of America or one of our affiliates. Have you joined? SVF

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